Mesquite Board M2003 1.2" x 2" x 12" 0.9 lbs. This is a narrow and thick board of Texas-grown Mesquite. Its color is the beautiful deep reddish-brown of Mesquite heartwood, progressing to a wedge of sapwood and a thin sliver of bark. The grain is roughly parallel to the long axis. It's mostly straight and has some beautiful swirls around several small knots. This block has been fully air-dried to 10-12% moisture content. I can not see any cracks in this piece. The sapwood has some fine bug boreholes giving it a speckled pattern. There are a couple of surface indentations in the sapwood to bark transition area; the depth on these is about an eighth of an inch. I've taken close-ups of this so that you can see the indentations, and price is reduced a bit because of these indentations. |