Mesquite Block M2016 1.6" x 1.6" x 16.8" 1.1 lbs. This is a long spindle of Texas Mesquite. It is all heartwood. The color is a beautiful deep reddish-brown with darker accents along the growth rings. The grain is roughly parallel to the long axis and is gently swirling and nicely figured. This block has been fully air-dried to 10-12% moisture content. The dark-lined cracks in Mesquite are not dynamic drying features. They are formed by severe stress on the tree during growth (think Texas hurricanes and tornados) that are character marks showing the tree's living history. They are unlikely to grow any larger. CA glue will stabilize these for woodwork. Similarly, if you wish to retain the bark, touch it up with CA glue prior to working with it. |