Pecan Bowl Blank P487 6" x 7.5" x 8"

  • Sale
  • Regular price $85.00
  • Will be in stock after

Pecan Bowl Blank P487
6" x 7.5" x 8"
5.1 lbs.

This is an eye-catching natural edge Pecan bowl blank. It is has a soft pinkish-tinted light brown heartwood and a thick section of light brown sapwood. The sapwood-heartwood boundary is distinct, and there is some pretty chatoyance to the wood. This blank was bandsaw-cut with a rough face. 

This bowl blank has been fully air-dried to 10-12% moisture content. This half-log bowl blank does include the pith, and there are some open pith-related cracks that you'll probably want to fill with CA glue prior to turning. We recommend thin or medium CA glue for this purpose, in black if you want a beautiful contrast with the wood grain.

This blank is sound and very pretty beneath that rough-cut surface.  It has a complete and well-attached dark brown bark on the backside.   If you wish to keep the bark for a live edge, you'll need to secure it with CA glue prior to turning.

About the Tree

This Texas-grown Pecan tree was harvested in Fresno Texas in December, 2021.   It was in a residential neighborhood where it had been planted near a home that was built in the 1930s.  Over the years, the small Pecan tree grew large, and it threatened the house.  The homeowners reluctantly called their tree company to cut down the tree and stack the wood for us to recover.  We're always happy to save wood from the firepit or city dump.  Their tree is now yours to treasure!