Bodark Block B-486 2.4" x 2.4" x 8.1"

  • Sale
  • Regular price $30.00
  • Will be in stock after

Bodark Block B-486
2-3/8" x 2-3/8" x 8-1/8"
1 3/4 lb.

This is a nice end grain block of spalted Texas Bodark. The colors are the golden brown of mature Bodark with intra-grain bands and patches of reddish brown spalting.

A small patch of apparent imbedded bark with a shallow central hole is present on one side (bottom photo). Being shallow and close to one edge, that bark and central hole will likely turn off as the block is turned to round. Also, there is a single, very thin and tight drying check one end (end-grain face on the top photo, but too thin to be visible). I would reinforce it with thin CA glue before turning. I see no other significant flaws.