Saw, Cut, Repeat

Howdy y'all!

Just a quick update to let you know we're busy chopping big things up into small things.  There are a lot of new pieces going up on the site daily.   Most recently, we've been adding Eastern Red Cedar and Black Walnut. The photo is of a basketful of Eastern Red Cedar turning spindles, along with a sleepy puppy named Auggie.  He's my deskside companion whenever I'm adding things to our web site.

Eastern Red Cedar turning blanks

We've got some beautiful spalted Red Oak sitting in a pile, waiting to be trimmed down to size.   We'll get those up on the site soon.  We've got the Cactus Juice ready in case we need to stabilize -- it's a bit on the soft side but might be just fine without stabilizing.  These spalted red oak blanks will be ready to turn into bowls, knife handles, duck calls, bottle stoppers, magic wands, or whatever suits your fancy.

We take cutting requests!  Let us know what dimensions and wood types you're looking for.

All the best,



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